Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The "New" Amerika!

Well it's finaly over and the Dem's have taken the whole thing. Change is here, no more Rascally Republicans and everything the Democrats have wanted all of these years is in their grasp.

We will now have for the first time ever a black president. (Oh, and I'll make my defense up front against the inevitable charge of racism "just because I did not vote for him") It is not racism to disagree with someones politics. Obama voted 'present" 97 times in the Senate. Not yes or no just present. I voted against him because I love this country and don't want it's destruction. It IS racism to vote for someone simply because of their skin color. His lack of experience is akin to putting a two year old behind the wheel of an Indy 500 race car with the engine running and wishing for the best. (I don't believe even Geico can save us fron this one).

It's NOT racism to have a fundamental disagreement with a politician on issues like abortion. (Especially of voting against a bill that would have required medical care for infants who survived an abortion, instead of laying them in a pan and letting them die a slow death)

Obama, I bet you are just scared to death because now it's gonna' get real!
No more "present" votes. You will now have to make real decisions that will affect the nation and the world. It is now time to put up or shut up.

So . . .

What will they do with it?

If the Obama campaign rhetoric is any indication I would posit the following predictions of things to come and time will tell if my prognostications come to fruition.

1. Higher taxes across the board.
This will not require Obama and the Dem's to raise taxes on the "poor" and the "middle class".
The tax hikes perpetrated upon the "rich" (at last Dem comment that's anyone making over 120k per year, down from the initial 300k). These are the folks who are the risk takers and the entrepeneurs, you know, the ones who own the fast food restaurants where a lot of the working "poor" are employed. Folks, corporations and businesses do NOT pay takes they simply include
these "costs" in the price of their goods and services (have you noticed the rise in the price of fast food since the fuel prices spiked?)

2. Military budgets cut.
Obama has said that he will not only cut the military budget (He has already voted this way once with D. Senator Joe Biden criticizing him for it) but he will also cut the nuclear stockpiles the U.S. now has. This WILL embolden our enemies. (You know, those nice folks in terrorist supporting countries who were pulling for Obama because he will sit down and talk with them with NO preconditions). I can imagine that people like Achmadenijad of Iran are the most happy this morning because now America (the great satan, his words) is FAR less likely to stand in the way of Iranian nuclear ambitions. (Oh, I forgot, they are a peaceful tiny country and they mean us no harm. Let's get real folks, the world now sees us as nothing but a paper tiger, and last night we proved them right.)

A word of advice Obama, that test Biden spoke of is coming so I suggest you listen and get educated during those security briefings that are going to show you the way things really are in the world. I think John F. Kennedy said it best,

"We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed."

3. Drill here drill NOW!
We can forget about decreasing our dependance on foreign oil. There will be no drilling and that price drop at the pump we are now seeing will come to an end as soon as supply and demand meet each other. This will have the effect of continuing to increase the transfer of wealth to foreign nations who hate America. Obama has also said he will shut down coal fired energy plants. What is he going to replace this energy with? His own hot air?

4. Socialism is HERE!
Joe Biden said it best, "It's time to spread the wealth around". These guys believe in higher taxes because they know that power is achieved by the promise to "take from the rich and give to the poor". The redistribution of wealth is a fundamental Democrat doctrine and since the real wealth in this country is found in the middle class, it won't be very long until we hear that "more" "sacrifice and investment" will be needed from an already grossly overtaxed middle class that is truggling to keep their homes and put food on the table. Those who voted for Obama will now get to see what the new far left of the party really looks like up close and personal. I wonder if they will really like what they see!

5. The "fairness" doctrine.
Pelosi Supports 'Fairness Doctrine' by John Gizzi, on 06/25/2008 points out that speaker Nancy Pelosi Democrat has said she supports the fairness doctrine. Now there is no one to stop them. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and other conservative talk show hosts will have to put Leftist Socialists on their programs "just to make it fair" or shut down which is what Facism always does, it tries to shut down the voice of opposition. The problem here is that this will destroy the very free speech rights given to us by the constitution. The left already has "equal time every night on CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, Dateline and all of the major newspapers.

I believe we need to DEMAND "equal" time on those networks as well!

Change is coming and the decades it will take to undo the destruction that is coming will take decades to repair if ever.

Well, that's my list of the five things that WILL happen in the "hope and change" administration of Barack Obama . When it's all said and done and his presidency comes to an end I hope this country will still be here, I at least hope we will have a shot at rebuilding it.

I'll just quote J.F. Kennedy have the last word.

"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man" John F. Kennedy Democrat

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