Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hope and "Change"

Well, it didn't take long! I said just a few days ago that one of Obama's "accomplishments" in his first term would be to stop any new energy expansion. Truth is that I didn't even know how quickly and by what means he would accomplish this.

In a story that has just appeared in the news . . .

WASHINGTON (AP) - President-elect Obama plans to use his executive powers to make an immediate impact when he takes office, perhaps reversing Bush administration policies on stem cell research and domestic drilling for oil and natural gas.

See that! Despite our devastating dependance on foreign oil (if you think the prices were high when it hit 4+ dollars per gallon, just wait until OPEC nations see Obama cut off any progress toward energy independance and the pain we Americans will feel at the pump will be around 7 or 8 dollars per gallon not to mention the jump in heating oil and natural gas prices) Obama is planning to ensure that our 700 Billion per year transfer of wealth continues and even worsens.

When our enemies see that we are not serious about moving toward energy independace then they will be in a position to cut off our oil supply leaving the American infrastructure vulnerable to internal collapse.

On the military: Obama will very quickly through executive orders drastically weaken the military. All of the hard fought gains in the war on terror will be lost and his policies will allow Al Qaeda to regain strength. The result of this Presidents actions will be to leave us vulnerable to attack.

Thank you Democrats, you are about to bring the destruction of the U.S. with your new Manchurian president, or at the very least make us weak and defenseless.

My advice, wait for the next sale on the Russian language series from Rosetta stone. We're gonna need it.

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